Discover the Ultimate Weight Loss Hack in Asheville, NC! Say Goodbye to Sugar and Hello to a Healthier You with Medical Weight Loss Solutions.

Medical Weight Loss Asheville NCWhen trying to eat healthier and lose weight, it’s important to pay close attention to what you eat. There are so many different types of calories and nutrients, some good and some bad, that it can be difficult to keep track of what you’re consuming.

However, there is one thing that you should be worrying about: added sugars.

Did you know that many processed foods, like cereal and soda, contain added sugars? Unfortunately, these sugars don’t provide nutritional value and can harm your weight loss efforts. Consuming too much added sugar can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of various diseases.

If you’re looking to cut out added sugars from your diet and need help achieving your weight loss goals, Asheville’s leading medical weight loss program can help. Let’s explore why cutting out added sugar is essential for weight loss and discuss some strategies to help you achieve this.

Say goodbye to added sugars and hello to a brighter, lighter future in Asheville, NC. It’s time to unlock your best self–no sugar-coating needed!

Added Sugar: What Is It?

Sugar occurs naturally in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, and grains. However, various forms of sugar are added during food processing. These can include sucrose, dextrose, table sugar, sugars from syrups and honey, and sugars from concentrated fruit or vegetable juices.

Most Americans get their added sugar from sugar-sweetened beverages, baked goods, desserts, and other sweets.

Based on a 2,000-calorie diet, the daily value for added sugars should be no more than 50 grams per day. Unfortunately, most Americans do not read food labels when choosing what to eat and drink. As a result, they often consume more added sugar than they should without even realizing it.

Added sugar is one of the worst offenders when it comes to weight gain and obesity. Consuming excessive amounts of added sugar can contribute to numerous health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

The Link Between Added Sugar and Weight Gain

Added sugar is a source of empty calories that provide no nutritional benefits. In most such studies, stronger associations with obesity or ill health were obtained for soft drinks than for 100% juices, for refined grains as opposed to fiber-rich whole grains, for fast foods, and for “Western” eating patterns.

Added sugars in processed foods are quickly absorbed by the body and get converted into fat, particularly visceral fat, which surrounds the organs and is highly detrimental to health.

Excessive intake of added sugar not only contributes to weight gain but also makes it harder for your body to regulate blood sugar levels. This leads to cravings and an increased risk of overeating.

Strategies for Cutting Out Added Sugars

  1. Read food labels.

    Become familiar with the ingredient list and look out for added sugars in the products you purchase. Familiarize yourself with terms like high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, and evaporated cane juice, which are common names for added sugars.

  2. Cut back on processed foods.

    Processed foods are notorious for containing high levels of added sugars. Limit your intake of packaged snacks, sodas, cereals, bakery goods, and condiments. Instead, opt for whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

  3. Swap sweetened beverages for healthier options.

    Sugary drinks like soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks are major sources of added sugar. Instead, opt for water, unsweetened teas, or sparkling water. If you prefer a flavored beverage, choose sugar-free versions or drinks with natural alternative sweeteners.

  4. Prep your meals at home.

    Cooking at home allows you to control the ingredients you use and avoid added sugars. Avoid processed foods and cook your meals using fresh, whole foods whenever possible.

  5. Experiment with alternative sweeteners.

    Artificial sweeteners may seem healthier than sugar, but they can actually contribute to weight gain. These sweeteners can disrupt your body’s natural hunger and fullness signals, increasing cravings and overeating.

    If you’re struggling to cut out added sugar completely, consider using alternative sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit, or xylitol. These natural sweeteners provide a sweet taste without the adverse effects of added sugar.

Medical Weight Loss in Asheville

Aside from cutting out added sugar, it is another way to lose weight. It’s not your typical cookie-cutter weight loss program. It’s a science-backed, evidence-based program that considers your diet, exercise routine, hormones, lifestyle, and current health condition.

Our personalized approach, backed by cutting-edge research, ensures you achieve your weight loss goals without sacrificing your health. Get ready to cut out sugar and say hello to a happier, healthier you!

Embark on a journey towards optimal health with our medical weight loss program at Carolina Health & Wellness in Asheville, NC. Our team, led by experienced Dr. Faisal M. Fakih, understands the unique challenges associated with weight loss. We are committed to helping you achieve sustainable, long-lasting results.

Transform Your Life with Medical Weight Loss Program in Asheville, NC.

Medical Weight Loss Asheville NCTransform your body and health with personalized plans to help you lose weight effectively. Say goodbye to excess pounds and hello to a healthier, happier you with medical weight loss in Asheville, NC!

Schedule a consultation today with Carolina Health & Wellness in Asheville, NC, at (828) 579-4880!

We also provide other wellness treatments, such as testosterone replacement therapy, hormone therapy for men, and human growth hormone therapy.

Carolina Health & Wellness is near Shell gas station, 7 minutes from the Botanical Gardens at Asheville, and 8 minutes from the Foundation Asheville.

Click here to learn why Asheville’s medical weight loss is so popular.


Ready For An Appointment?

Ready for a health transformation? Book your appointment at Carolina Health & Wellness today and take the first step towards a revitalized you in Asheville, NC. Your journey awaits!

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